Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Women are Funny!

Hitchens believes that women aren't funny, but I beg to differ. Just as there are funny men in this world, the same goes for women too. A sense of humor is actually a very important quality i look for in a woman I am wanting to start a relationship with. Some men say that women don't need to be funny, and that all they need to do is look good and take care of their men. That sounds a little boring to me. I want a girl who is able to make me laugh, and give me entertainment. Humor is a good indication of personality. In my eyes, an unattractive girl can become attractive with a good personality and sense of humor. As time goes on, we are seeing more and more funny women too. We are starting to see more and more women become successful in the entertainment industry, and I believe that it is due to more women having funny personalities. All you women out there keep being funny, and don't let any man tell you that you can't be funny either, because you can be. Of course there are women out there that aren't funny at all, but there a tons of dudes that aren't funny either. So ladies, continue to be funny because I believe that more men like a funny woman that not. Personality and humor are definitely welcome in my world! Looking good is cool and all, but looks only last for so long and then personality and humor are a must!

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