Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why Do People Hate Hipsters?

     If it were up to me, I would end the use of the term hipster and allow it to vanish from this world without a trace.  In my opinion, the word “Hipster” means absolutely nothing and it is only used as a way to segregate and label people therefore pushing them into a solitary group for everyone to be negative towards.  As a society we always have to hate something.  Even when there is nothing bad happening, we will create something to hate. I do not understand what it is about our human nature that makes us inherently negative.  It makes me sad to think about how unrealistic of an idea it would be to turn on the news and for the news caster to say, “Well it looks like everything is good today folks.  Continue to have a outstanding day”?  I believe it is because we get a rush out of what is negative.  Take a car crash for example, it would seem abnormal for somebody to turn and look away and when we do not have a car crash to stare at, we create one. 

     It frustrates me how much the term Hipster is a labeling tool.  Calling somebody a hipster is an easy put down because of how generalized the term is.  If you dislike a person and want to belittle them, well you’re in luck because they probably have a hipster quality you can attack.  You’re drinking coffee? Hipster!  You enjoy riding bikes? Hipster!  You’re dressed up in a non-baggy suit?  Hipster!  You like old things?  Hipster!  You have an interesting/fashionable hairstyle?  Hipster!  Plaid?  Hipster!

      Listening to people attempt to define what a hipster is brings me joy because they make themselves sound like a shallow and ignorant human being.  The closest thing I have heard to being a good reason to dislike this mythical creature called the hipster, is the fact that they frown upon not being up to date and a “cool hunter.”  With that being said, isn’t it ironic that we do the exact same thing to people who fall under a set of overly generalized common hobbies and styles?  From what I have heard it sounds like a hipster is stuck up about their musical taste, but I never see publicly written articles about how terrible normal people are, start websites title “Look At That F**king Average Person, or bring up how much they hate normal peoples guts for being normal.  It sounds like the people who actively hate hipsters are much bigger assholes then the person who holds their personal music taste in high regards.

     The article written by Alex Rayner immediately loses its credibility in my opinion by labeling people based on quick to judge assumptions and stating it as fact.  Rayner labels people based on the brands of clothing they choose to wear and that they were up until 4am blasting music.  The only thing I took away from his claim is that he is a surface level person who has apparently never been on a college campus at night.  Rayner is attempting to draw the conclusion that hipsters are insensitive jerks who do not care about the well being of others, but doesn’t that just mean they were college age kids doing what college age kids do?  I stand by my previous statement because I firmly believe hipsters are not real and the only purpose is for us to have an easy access target to focus our enjoyment of negativity at.  If people want hipsters to go away, then those same people need to stop creating them.

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