Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Only Control We Have Is In Ourselves

I really do not think that we have any control on what the media produces about the war, soldiers, and Iraq. I feel like no matter what medium it is coming out of it is always going to be bias. It is just in our nature to be bias. There is always going to be either someone telling someone what to write about or talk about or someone is just going to have his or her own opinion. Either way it is bias.

Also I agree with what the professor had to say about you can't even trust most of the bloggers anymore because you never know who they really are! And that is scary and creepy to me because it's almost like you can't trust a lot of the stuff online because you never know who is putting it up and if it's real or not. It is crazy how you can manipulate images and everything nowadays, it's pretty much to the point that you can't anyone or anything! I do however, go to the news for information and facts, but I even take those with a grain of salt because there is so many things that the government and the media hides from us on a daily basis.

A lot of what was said in class about how we are the ones that consume the junk on TV is 100% true. No reality TV is worth being on TV, what is that doing for us? What is it doing for our country? Not a damn thing. So, I think we will be fine without it. It is 100% our fault why this bull crap still is on TV everywhere we look, it's because WE WATCH IT. So the only control we DO have is controlling what we watch! If you are tired of seeing it then don't watch it, it is as simple as that. As far as the media and news goes we have no control over what is going to be reported. That is what feeds into the civil solider is that those type of people feed into the stuff they see on social media and TV and then think they have the power. No... sorry you don't.

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