Monday, March 18, 2013

Kate Giglio 4

      In preparation for tomorrow’s class I was reading the assigned articles and I found myself a little taken back. The idea or thought that women are not funny or that women are not as funny as men has actually never crossed my mind. In Christopher Hitchens’ article, Why Women Aren’t Funny, he says that “many women believe or were taught by their mothers, that they become threatening to men if they appear to bring” (obviously referring to the idea that humor is a sign of intelligence). I was shocked to read that. I have never had that idea or been taught that by my mother. In fact, my mother is quite a funny lady! I was wondering if I was the only one who had that reaction. Hitchens also talks about how women want a man who can make them laugh. Well duah… Who doesn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who makes me laugh? Maybe someone makes me laugh because they are funny, or because they have silly little habits, or the way that they act… Is it true that men don’t look for someone who makes them laugh? I would be very interested to hear a boy’s opinion on this?
            I also wanted to comment on what  Alessandra Stanley said in her article about how in the book of Genesis, Sarah names her son Isaac, Hebrew for laughter, because it is funny that she is with child so late in her life. If I remember correctly, which I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that God told Sarah and Abraham to name their son Isaac (Hebrew for "he will laugh") because it was a sign of joy. 

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