Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pop Culture and War: The Media

Personally, it was slightly difficult for me to sit through the lecture because I felt the complete opposite of everyone in the room that spoke up, but didn't know if I could form my thoughts well enough to not get a ton of backlash for my opinion. I have grown up with almost every single man in my family being some type of soldier. I understand the fear and the anticipation of wanting to know if your family is okay while fighting a horrendous and bloody war. Because of this I strongly stand behind the idea that the media should NOT be reporting over the things happening war wise overseas. I believe that the media and even the American citizens feel entitled to knowing every single detail about everything and everyone at all times without regards to those peoples family, friends, etc. The media over emphasizes the idea of war because American citizens crave it, they feel entitled that because they are in the "land of the free" the not only deserve to know what's going on, but they demand it. I will full heartedly put the blame on the media for reporting what they do, but it is not only their fault. If American's weren't so entitled and information hungry for the news over war then the media would not cover it or push it into the spotlight as much as they do. People want to blame the media for what they are reporting, but if people stopped watching it or buying what the media was selling then they would stop that coverage and report on the next thing people wanted to know. The media doesn't just pick their favorite topic and talk about it they pick the topic that people are begging for and what people are watching. In WWII, there was a saying "Loose lips sink ships." and I still stand behind that saying. Granted, that was more about military tactics and such getting into the wrong hands, but it still pertained to the media and that not every single detail needed to be broadcasted.

When my father was over in Iraq, I never sat by the TV waiting to hear news about what was going on over there. I knew that it was being changed and made for ratings so I waited for my news from him. I wanted the real news what was actually happening over there. At times I remember getting phone calls and me crying saying I had heard from people that this and this and this had happened and my dad would laugh and tell me the real story. Most of the time something like that had happened but not to the level that the media showed it. I also find it sickening when the media reports "Indiana soldier dead." There are how many "Indiana Soldiers" overseas and when they report that without any information that makes every single family member and friend with someone over sears panic until they get the news that it was their family or not. No one should have to go through that pain and panic that it was their "Indiana Soldier" that was deceased. They should find that out through the proper channels and through the military in the correct time.

The media does over sell the war and what is going on, but it is because that is what the American people want, so in no way can anyone purely blame the media. People like to say "I don't watch that news, it's disgusting, no one I know watches it, it's the media's fault." is lying. People and lots of them are buying the newspapers and magazines talking about war and turning on the channel when they are discussing the horrific news of the war.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel more comfortable talking on Thursday! I'd love to get your opinion on what Jordan says about the mainstream media's reporting. Remember, we don't all have to agree--even with me! :) I appreciate your thoughts.
