Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Superior Woman

After reading the article I asked my friend Aaron would he want to date a girl who was funnier than him.  His reply was "I wouldn't mind but I just can't see that happening."  Then I asked him would he date a girl that was smarter than him.  He said he would but they wouldn't be more street smart than him.  Why must boys be better than the girls that they date in some way?  Why is it so intimidating for a woman to be superior to a man?  Media and our history teaches us that this is the way that it should be. As women become more independent and become more CEOs rather than housewives the trend will finally change.  It's getting to a time where being a full time housewife is seen as lazy or "gold diggerish."  There are now so many opportunities for a woman to bring in more money than their significant other.  The likelihood of completely depending on your husband is becoming more unlikely, especially in such an economy.  The world is changing, a bachelor's degree is becoming like a high school diploma.  Maybe the masculine role will also innovate into more of a equal role where either partner will be able to be superior, regardless of sex.  Then the world we live in will finally be what feminist have been trying to gain.  They will finally get the chance to stop fighting for full equality in people's attitudes.  Although there will always be exceptions to this new change like how there all still racist people.   Relationships might develop better or it could cause problems.  Opposites usually attract and two competitive people may always clash and never find compromise.  But in the world we live in this will never happen, all hope is lost.

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