Thursday, February 28, 2013

Does that mean Manly Men Have to be Useless?

I can't help but wonder that when the media refers to manly men they refer to strong (but lazy), handsome men that don't share feelings, aren't sensitive and care more about sports and beer then their wives. Is that really what we consider a "manly man" to be? In the TV clip that we watched in class, it was almost like it wasn't manly of him to drive the minivan or talk to his kids or help around the house, and if you noticed a lot of the clips were him just sitting on the couch. If that is what you consider as a man thennnnnn I guess I don't want one.

I was raised to believe that a husband and a wife are "one "and that they should help out each other in every situation. If my mom needed help toting the kids around my dad wouldn't hesitate to help even if it meant driving a minivan, my dad always wanted to talk to me and still does to this day. He does things like wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, and vacuum WITHOUT my mom having to ask him too, and NO he is not a stay at home dad, he still works to provide for our family. Why is that so hard for people to grasp that a REAL manly man is a man that respects women and cherishes them. They should provide and protect, and should have no problem with having an imaginary tea party with your daughter either. I really wish this world would wake up and realize that sports and beer is not the only thing a man should care about.

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