Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hipsters? I think you mean 'Cool Kids'.

In class yesterday we were attempting to understand the idea of "Cool" and ended with an interesting class discussion about Hipsters.

What surprised me was all the Hipster Hate. I mean, do people still that? Hasn't everyone realized hipsters is now a 'catch-all' phrase for 'Cool Kids'?

Hipster hate has been going on for at least 4 years now. I can't pinpoint where it started, but I know "Look At This Fucking Hipster" was my introduction.

It was 2009, I was but a wee sophomore in college. I spent my days going to class, surfing the net, playing Playstation 2, and hanging out at the smoking section with my friends.One day, while clicking around on the internet, I found it, LATFH, Look At This Fucking Hipster.

 I started checking back daily, and soon found myself fascinated by these skinny, awkward, fashion-ablely challenged, PBR guzzling, chain smoking 20-somethings. They were so cool, with their un-cool, uncordinated, looks-like-you-stole-that-from-your-grandma's-closet coat and their large framed glasses. They seemed to be the total opposite from what everyone around me thought was cool.

'Cool' teenagers  in 2009

Weird right?

Now, years after my initial discovery of Hipsters, a lot of changed. They are no longer underground 'cool kids' who come from Brooklyn. They are a combination of everything we love and hate about the 'cool' kids.

(P.S. This video was posted over 5 years ago.. way back in 2007.)

So, what's with the hipster hating? It's so old fashioned. I mean, wasn't that cool, last decade? Back then George W. Bush was president, gas was under 3 dollars, and Hipsters where the new "What's Killing (insert city here.)"

It's been YEARS and

Hundreds editorials have been written about Hipsters.
Thousands of articles can be found on E-How, or on "How to Be a Hipster."
and Millions of kids see 'Hipsters' daily on television

And.. it's still cool to make hate on Hipsters?

Well, here's the thing; Those Hipsters that everyone hates now, ones that are ruining Brooklyn, aren't real Hipsters. In fact, there is so such thing as 'real' Hipsters anymore. Because now, being a Hipster is synonymous with being cool.

Don't believe me? Check out any commercial on MTV. See those 'cool kids' trying to sell you something? How are they dressed?  Is anyone in Flannel? What about Large framed Glasses? Skinny Jeans? Trucker Hat?

See if you can count how many 'Hipsters' are in this 30 second ad.

In the second shot (the one with the title), EVERYONE is a 'Hipster'.

In fact, the entire AD is FULL of 'Hipsters'.
The only thing missing in the gratuitous love for PBR and chain smoking.

What was once, a mass of 20somethings, rebelling from mainstream fashion, accessories, tastes, and habits is now mainstream. The Hipster image has been discovered, refined, packaged, and re-sold as Cool. It's been this way for years now. There is no such thing as Hipsters. They all died off. They're now just cool. First, Hipsters weren't cool, and they were hated. Now that they are 'cool', they're still hated.

So, everyone who hates 'Hipsters' is really just someone who hates 'The Cool Kids', because Hipsters, as they were, no longer exist. Why they hate 'The Cool Kids'?

It's beyond me.

Just go with it.

Besides, before you know it, Nerds will be cool.

Cool Nerd?
Oh. Wait a second...

Way back in 2010, Wired Magazine published an article called  Wake Up, Geek Culture. Time to Die. The message? Nerd/ Geek Culture is OVER.

If anything, people shouldn't hate certain groups for being picked up by mainstream media, and then being commercialized  If anything you should hate the media.

 Remember guys, don't hate the player, hate the game.

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