Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blackout for Future Superbowls?

Anyone who tuned in for this past Sunday's biggest football game of year, whether that was for the commercials only, for the half time show, or to actually watch the game, noticed that right after halftime, the players, coaches, officials, and fans were plunged into a darken stadium. Playing time was postponed for over thirty minutes.When the power finally came back on, the San Francisco 49ers returned with new life in their game. Before the power outage, the game really couldn't be considered a game. The Ravens were in top form and the 49ers couldn't do anything to stop them or get too many points on the board. This caused for many people to place fake blame on Buffalo Wild Wings, because their commercials have often depicted a worker pulling ridiculous stunts to prolong a game. However, with the delay of game, serious consequences were inflicted on the players. Coming out of an already longer halftime than normal, players were forced to sit on the sidelines, stretching and staying loose for the duration of the blackout. NFL Commissioner says that this blackout will not have any effect on future chances for New Orleans to host another Superbowl, but I believe he could be wrong. Stopping play for over thirty minutes in the biggest game of the year leaves a sour taste in everyone's  mouth regardless of how you were affected. The blackout was the main reason the 49ers came back and made it a much closer game. Despite being down by 22 points at one point in the game, they lost by only 3 in the biggest game of the year. If the Ravens had ended up losing the game, I honestly think a lot more people would be frustrated to the point of taking New Orleans out of the running for any future games.

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