Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Does Cool Exist?

Just recently i got into a discussion with a few of my friends about hipsters and trends. We were talking about how we think hipsters are constantly trying to separate themselves from whats mainstream and from common trends. We talked about how ironic this is, because they spent so much time trying to  be different from everyone else but by doing this they are actually creating their own culture as well. This trend of being a hipster is starting to become a mainstream thing. A lot of things i had discussed with my friends we discussed today in class. 
It is almost impossible to classify anything as "cool" because there is not just one meaning for cool. Depending on the person, the area, the era and society, cool is always thought of differently. I think thats what frustrates me when it has to do with hipsters. I think that for some, being hipster is a way of dressing but for others its a lifestyle. I don't agree with the fact that a lot of hipster people are so against anything mainstream. Just because something is popular and mainstream, is it wrong to like it? Sometimes having the same shoes as everyone can take away from an individuals identity and become very mundane, but what if you really like those shoes? Is it so wrong to buy them because everyone else has them? That's when i think things can get a little ridiculous. When people try so hard to go against the grain just to prove their point and be different, it can be a bit much. 
I think cool can sometimes have a negative connotation, implying that people feel pressured to act or dress in a certain way to be "cool." But thinking something is cool can also be a personal choice. I think whats cool and whats not all depends on the person. Proving the point that cool doesn't truly exist. 

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