Friday, February 22, 2013

Princess Culture

Class amazed me yesterday with how many people don't understand how much their parents (or you as future parents) should have as much influence on their children as possible. The princess culture is in fact real, but as most of us said in class, we were apart of that culture, but look at us now. We aren't walking around in princess gowns, wearing crowns, and riding around in a carriage to class. I think it is important for children to have an imagination and have fun! That is their job! They are innocent and learning to grow. Now, does that mean we just let our media do the talking for us as future parents? Absolutely not! It is our job to guide, inform, and help our children be all that they can be, isn't that what parents are suppose to do? Their job isn't to give us everything we want! If parents gave us everything we wanted all the time we would be spoiled, ungrateful, and definitely not humble. That is what is wrong with half of our generation now is that some of us were handed everything and now they are lazy and don't have jobs, "but that's ok because my mom and dad give me everything." Good luck in the real world. Yes, parents should provide for us and give us our NEEDS but not always our wants. I feel sorry for the mothers on Toddlers and Tierra's because they hate their lives and they are going to hate it more when their own child hits them, bosses them around, and does not respect them at all. There still needs to be discipline, which is why the media should limited in household with young children. Let your children be who they want to be. If you force Barbies and pink dresses on your daughter and she doesn't like them, she will tell you she doesn't like them! I grew up loving the disney princesses, but I always wore Jordan's all the time. There is no law that says Princess Jasmine can't where a pair of Jay's. That's what I liked to do as a kid, and I turned out pretty normal.....

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