Friday, February 22, 2013

Princess Culture

February 22, 2013
Heather Jacobs

      Yesterday in class we discussed princess culture and how it affects not only young girls, but older girls and even boys. I find this topic very interesting because at the time we receive these messages they seem completely normal and wonderful. And our parents see nothing wrong with them because they too, grew up watching similar if not the same stories.
      The problem is that these movies disguise the provocative messages they tell. They make many of the characters extremely brave, strong willed, or intelligent. Why then, must they dress them in provocative clothing and give them huge boobs and beautiful hair? It is ridiculous. I am not saying that it is because of these movies that I am somewhat of a girlie girl, but I did take interest in wearing make up and dresses and high heals when I was about ten. And I started liking boys when I was in kindergarten. I don't know what the normal age to start liking boys is, but that seems so young when I think about it now.
        I remember I saw a thing on some news show once that did a study on Beauty and the Beast and it was pretty disturbing. They were asking the  little girls what they would do if someone were treating them the way Beast was treating Bella. And they all said they would do what she did and just keep being nice to him until he liked her. How terrible! I know it is just a movie, but it is showing girls - probably not on purpose - that guys will eventually change and be who you want them to be if you suck up to them and let them walk all over you. Eh, no.     
          Personally, I feel much less affected by these types of things now. Yeah, I still care a lot about clothes and love getting dressed up, but if I have to go without wearing make up that is fine. I will go out to the bars in a T-shirt, I don't care that much. I like what we talked about in class yesterday a lot, and I feel like it is giving me advice for if I ever have kids.

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