Monday, February 4, 2013

The Intrapment of Social Media- Ellen Lee 002

The question of whether or not social media controls our lives was brought up in a class discussion and it started to really make me think about how technology has been a crutch to our generation. Our generation was born into the technology era, and it is weird to think that maybe one day technology will no longer be available to us. I have a Twitter and Facebook account, but I do not use it to update the world about my life, but rather, I use it to check on the lives of others. I think social media is a great tool for college students who have left their homes because it is an easy way to stay connected to friends. I am opposed to the use of status updates and twit pics when it comes to younger generations.

I find it disheartening to see how many younger people then me are using social media cites to plaster their nude bodies and hopeless romantic feelings. It feels like people refuse to communicate verbally anymore, and instead is being used as a friend masker. People mainly post on Facebook to feel that others care about what they are doing at all times. I think people post because they have nothing better to do and are too afraid to be themselves in real life.

I believe that society as a whole would be much happier without the ability to have instant connection to the entire world. Heck last night I streamed the Super Bowl live from my computer, which means i could have stayed at my house instead of attending the party I was invited to. All these little things accumulate to show that media is cutting us off from the real world.

I think if we take a step back from the internet that we will communicate with people and make better friendships. Have you ever had a friend that you met online and you have never met them face-to-face? This is the problem I see with social media. People feel like they know someone from talking to them through instant message and then experience fear when they are to meet them in real life. I think people need to step away from the media and see how it makes life more fulfilling.

1 comment:

  1. I think social media only controls our lives if we allow it to. One of our reading stated that lonely people are drawn to sites like Facebook because they are already lonely, but those who are not as lonely don't spend as much time consumed in it.

    This could be argued. I don't think I am lonely but I spend a decent amount of time each day on social media for several reasons: I am bored in a class and have nothing better to do, or I am trying to keep updated because so much information from news stations is posted on them and I am a news major so it is important to be updated on current news. I do not depend on social media or choose it over actually going places or talking to real people. I guess it depends on your friends and who you follow. I am not connected with very many young people so I don't see the nudity, est. that you refer to. Social media is a great thing when used properly. Those kids doing inappropriate things should have their pages monitored by their parents until they are mature enough and responsible enough to make the right decisions. In my opinion, it's all about the person's choices of how to use it.
