Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm concerned...

for our society. Why are we defining our coolness and authenticity by what we wear or buy?

I am writing this sitting on my Goodwill couch, Converse clad feet propped up on my hand-me-down table, chunky Ray Bans sliding down my nose while texting multiple people on my iPhone.

But I'm not concerned as to whether or not any of that equation makes me cool or not cool. Because I'm not measuring my authenticity against what culture deems as being "cool".

I don't shop for my morals at Urban Outfitters, my hobbies don't come straight off of Pinterest, my opinions are not formed by what's going around on Tumblr.

I have spent 21 long years getting to know myself, getting to know what I genuinely like. Yes, that might look like Ray Bans and some clothes bought off of Mod Cloth, just like what everyone else is doing, but the difference is I am not trying to do all of this to make me authentic, to make me the snowflake unlike any other, my authenticity comes from within.

Cliche, I know.

But try it, try defining yourself by stuff you can't buy. Maybe after we all do that, we will stop tweeting about how "uncool" we apparantly are, because I listened to all of your opinions today and I think you're all pretty neat.

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