Thursday, April 11, 2013

Funny girl = awesome girl

I don’t even think this discussion is necessary because obviously women are funny. If men, or even women, think they can’t be…. I have no words. Why would men be the only ones who could make a funny joke? Do people believe it is because they are more masculine? I honestly just don’t understand the prejudice against funny females. If anything, I feel it’s just men feeling inferior when they encounter a funny female. When you are the one cracking the jokes, you are basically the one controlling the conversation, which I guess scares guys. I’m no sure why though. Do all guys want a brainless girl to laugh along with their pointless jokes? I’d hardly even call that a conversation. I’d like to think I’m the girl that is always making stupid jokes, but after hearing how many women were afraid to even crack a joke surprised me. Especially, with all the funny females on television now a days, how can you not feel inspired to just joke whenever you can. For all those men that feel inferior of funny girl, my first question… why? Secondly, wouldn’t you want to be able to joke with you romantic partner/friend and not just be joking to fake laugh. Girls, if you are afraid to make a joke, especially around guys, don’t be! If anything you will look like you actually have a fun personality, since when is that a bad thing? Oh, that’s right, its not a bad thing! So props to girls who aren’t afraid of being funny!

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