Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Is it bad that I am physically disgusted by the meat industry, but I cannot get myself to start eating it? I can’t say I was surprised by the mechanization of the food industry, but I can say that I was thoroughly unprepared for what I witnessed. I realize that there really isn't a humane way to kill a chicken, but….ugh. Unpopular opinion time, the ethical treatment of animals isn't what I think about when I bite into a hamburger. Meat is meat and meat is meant to be eaten. I guess I am more disgusted by the amount of bacteria we are subjected to because of the way things are done. Why feed a cow grain if it can cause that much harm? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I really had no idea how much corn can be put into. I never thought it could contribute to things other than food. I guess the miracle of modern science can do just about anything.  The whole concept of corn being bad was a little lost on me. I get why feeding it to animals is bad, but other than that I say go for it. It is a cheap renewable resource.

The whole movie left a weird impact on me. I hate meat, but I love meat. I want to eat organic, but it’s so complicated. I really wish food hadn't become so commercialized. I feel like we took something that was very simple, and completely over complicated it. I guess that is what humans do. 

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