Thursday, April 11, 2013

Media is Religion

                                    *Disclaimer- This blog is in no way meant to offend anyone, their beliefs, religion etc. I am not rejecting the existence of any religion, just pointing out observations and personal opinion.
Media plays a huge role in our society and culture. Obviously. I think it plays a larger role than many Americans really think though. Media influences just about every aspect of our daily lives and thinking. Media logic is the term applied to the state of thinking we embrace and ideals we come to believe without even realizing it through the influence of media. So in other words, we sometimes have a certain mindset about an issue or identify with a certain set of ideals without really realizing the true logic behind our reasoning.
                  Throughout the course of human history, we as a species have always pondered how the world and all of its incredible contents have come to exist. From the earliest recordings of ancient civilizations, we can see theories about the creation of the world, animals and man rooted in the existence of some higher power. Throughout time, these theories have eventually morphed into the countless religions existing today such as Catholicism, Christianity, Islam etc. just to name a few. I would like to reiterate again- I am not rejecting the existence of any religion, just pointing out observations. Over the course of human expansion, enlightenment, discovery and beyond extensive scientific research, evidence of a big bang of universal creation and evolution have come to be just short of completely proven theories of creation. Despite this logic, backed up by the most extensive, accurate evidence, many religions fail to accept it and continue to preach divine creation theories as truth. Through many conversations and debates with people who strongly believe in these divine notions, I have personally witnessed this false logic in which I consider comparable to that of media logic. So many people are repeatedly taught specific ideologies through several texts and mediums that they just automatically believe it as truth without questioning the logic behind the belief.
                  In the same way many deeply religious individuals may believe in divine creation, many members of our society subconsciously believe media logic that is preached through mainstream channels. Media framing of events or issues is a prime example of this. The means by which media sources such as television and newspaper portrays an issue like the Matthew Shepard case can severely impact our attitudes and views on what happened, why, by and to whom as well as the future of the issue. The impact of media is equitable with religion in the sense that as humans, we are eager to have a quick and pretty answer to things sometimes regardless of the truth and rationality behind it.

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