This is the third time trying to write this so bare with me. Sometimes people amaze me with the ideas that they come up with. Gaming for millions of hours is not only dumb, but unhealthy. Don't get me worng, I'm sure it can help with strategic and problem solving issues, but I do think it depends on the games you play. Like it was said earlier in the semester; just because you play war games for hours doesn't mean that you are a trained solider ready for war. This just goes to show how people take some ideas and turn them into a huge problem ( which was also said in class). Playing games for millions on hours will help you succeed in life!? Come on now. That would be like me sitting in front of theTV for hours playing video games not paying my bills, not finding a job, and my health turning for the worst. Does that sound like a successful life? No.
Personally, I think that the people who believe in this are the ones that use video games to hide from their real world problems instead of facing them. News flash, you can only hide for so long. Just because you may feel accomplished in your games doesn't mean that it will get you a job or pay your bills. That would be like making your résumé up of how many games you have beaten and how many levels you have won. Will that get you a job? No.
Personally, this scares me because it seems like our world is getting more and more lazier by the minute. We can do better America. Games will not solve your problems.
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