Monday, April 1, 2013

Are Men Funnier Then Woman?

     Having a sense of humor is something that you cannot practice.  You are ether born with it or your not.  It has nothing to do with gender, class, or race because it is a personality trait.  For Christopher Hitchens to come out and write an article bluntly stating that woman are not funny is a huge claim to make.  I can fully understand why Alessandra Stanley took the time to write her own article in response to Christopher’s claim. 
            I do feel a little badly for the negative attention Christopher received in response to his article Why Woman Aren’t Funny.  I do not believe the majority of people completely understood what he was trying to say in the article.  The impression I believe people took away from his article is that woman are not funny in general, but what I believe he was getting at is the fact that woman do not have the need to be as funny as men. 
            A past girlfriend of mine had a huge crush on Zach Galifianakis.  She said it was not because of his looks at all, but she was attracted to him because of his personality and she is not the only girl I have heard say that.  Personally I am attracted to girls who are funny and can make me laugh, but I know this does not stand true for all man.  It is pretty normal for a male to be attracted to a woman for no other reason besides their looks.  It’s sad, but true.  If you look at the situation in that light, it makes complete sense that in our society there is a higher pressure on men to be funny.  I am not saying that men are funnier then woman, only that there is more of a need for men to be funny. 

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