Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Are We So Awkward?

So there I was, walking to class, when out of the corner of my eye I see him.  Him being that one guy I had a class with last semester and only talked to him because of that class.  I know he will say hi and then continue to ask how this semester is going. I have to think fast. Oh no! There are no exits.  Wait!! I pull out my phone to see no new messages. I see him getting closer and closer. I call my voicemail to make it seem like an important call I forgot to make earlier.  Ten seconds later, he passes me.  I wait a little longer before putting my phone away. Mission Complete, awkwardness avoided!
Or have I just created a new awkward moment? Did I just turn into that girl who talks to her voicemail?  In a society where a computer screen is more welcome than eye contact, I have fallen into the social norm.  This world has come to avoiding interaction, but never wanting to be alone.  Something just doesn't add up.
In some cases, I do understand avoiding people.  Whenever I am walking home alone at night, I make sure to have my phone visible or "talking" on it so other people know I can get a hold of someone in an instant.  But just avoiding someone because I don't feel like giving you a second of my time is normally just considered rude.  Instead of being rude, we make it seem rude for someone to approach us just because we are on the phone.
Why are we so awkward? Or I guess the better question is why are we so afraid of being awkward?  People always want to be unique and stand out, but we all hide behind technology.  I think as a society we should take a chance, risk that awkwardness and let our true self shine. I wonder what would happen.  Would the world crumble beneath our feet? Or would we simply make a new friend, or create a tighter bond?
The world may never know.

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