Thursday, January 31, 2013

Deleting Facebook

I have had a Facebook since I was 15 years old. That was seven years ago. I have been posting status updates, writing messages to people, and posting pictures via Facebook for a third of my life.

To some, this may sound cool. I essentially have the ability to look back onto my life and see what I was talking about any day for the past seven years. This freaks me out. When Facebook came out with the new timeline layout I suddenly realized how readily available my 15 year old self thoughts were to the entire Internet and I hated that. So I decided to do something that I assumed was a personal decision and deleted my Facebook. 

I quickly realized how much less this decision had to do with me and how much it apparently insulted many of my "friends". Within the first few weeks without my Facebook I suddenly began receiving text messages and phone calls from some very upset people asking why (not if) I had "unfriended" them on Facebook. My mother even called me to inform me that people from my home town were approaching her and asking why I was upset with them because I had apparently "unfriended" them. These reactions only solidified my decision. 

However, the longer I went without a Facebook I began to realize something was missing. My friends would be frustrated with me that I wasn't aware of the plans they had apparently made, there were inside jokes I didn't get, my classmates were annoyed I couldn't be a part of their Facebook group to plan meetings, and I was no longer talking to some of my friends who live across the country. 

I went about three months without a Facebook. It was a very alleviating experience but what I ultimately learned is that Facebook actually makes life less complicated in many ways. Since my return, I now use Facebook very differently than the average user. I get on maybe once a day and pretty much only use the secret groups of my friends and class groups. But in this middle class University culture that I live in, Facebook is almost a necessity. 

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh. It reminds me of the South Park episode that was shown in class and how everyone overreacted about being (or not being) a Facebook "friend."

    I've started coming across more and more people that tell me they no longer have a Facebook page and people's first reaction is "what?!" "why?!" or they assume the person is really not with the times or must be weird or antisocial when they are most likely the opposite of those things.
