Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Im Clueless

Throughout my life I felt that I have somewhat kept up with all the new social media. From myspace, instant message, facebook, and I even remember having a xanga. But after being in this class for 3 weeks now I realized I am absolutely clueless on probably 75% of what students these days are using. First of all, let me get it off my chest that I do not have a twitter, I have absolutely no clue how twitter works, and to be honest with you all, I am just not interested in creating a twitter. Why you might ask? Well for one, I find it interesting to tell people that I do not have a twitter. I do have a facebook and I could not imagine not having one of those and I am sure some people can not imagine having a twitter. Anyway, I have put some thought into creating a twitter. Not because I want to know what people are doing, but because I am more interested in following celebrity tweets. I would rather know what Riff Raff or Paul Rodriguez has in mind for a tweet than my friends.

One of the reasons that I do not have a twitter account is the lack of knowledge I have about twitter. Can you post pictures on twitter? Can you just simply like posts on twitter? These are some of the things I am unclear about.

Anyway, I am sure by the end of this semester this class will influence me into creating a twitter account. So far, I have realized that twitter is very beneficial while being a college student. I noticed that Ball State announces important things that students may be interested, or things they actually need to know. 

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, I completely understand when it comes to being clueless with Twitter. I created my Twitter account a month ago because of this class, even though I told myself I was going to get one anyway. It really is not that hard to figure out how it works once you make your account. To answer your questions though, yes you can post pictures. To "like" a post (tweet) is to "favorite" it. And the equivalent of sharing a tweet is to "retweet" it. You can also reply to any tweet, normally by "tagging" their handle (username). I also agree with you when you said you'd only use Twitter to follow celebrities and not necessarily follow your friends or come up with original tweets. My advice is that it wouldn't hurt to get one now, especially for the sake of this class.
