Blog 2
My Parasocial Relationship: Jason Segel
One of my favorite discussions in this class so far has been about our parasocial relationships. It was very entertaining to hear the different celebrities that we all think we know so well. I have to admit, my parasocial relationship probably isn't as serious as some of the other students' parasocial relationships, but if I were to have one with a celebrity it is definitely with Jason Segel.
Second comes Leslie Knop from Parks and Rec... I love her character (but I don't follow her in anything else.) I do, however, believe I could be best friends with Leslie. But I will stick with Jason today...
I don't find Jason super sexy, but I LOVE his personality and he is all-around adorable... and I say this without ever meeting him or knowing his actual personality. The personality I'm referring to is the one he portrays in his characters. Jason is in How I Met Your Mother, the Muppets, Freaks and Geeks, The Five Year Engagement, and so much more. Basically, if it has Jason Segel in it, I love it! There hasn't been a movie or show with Jason's acting that I haven't loved.
Seriously, how does this not make you laugh? He is so goofy! The singing and dancing... it's so light hearted and fun...
When I watched the Five Year Engagement I was mad at him for letting himself go (with the awful beard and terrifying look he had.)
When I'm watching something with Jason in it with my friends I constantly say "Jason is SO funny. I just love his personality..." I didn't realize I always say that until one of them pointed it out to me.
Here is another popular clip of Jason's SNL "kissing family" scene. This one throws off my parasocial relationship a bit.. leaves me a little confused. But I still find it absolutely hilarious!

I'll also admit that I enjoy the younger Jason Segel more than the older, current one. He has aged a bit.. so in my mind he still looks like this..
I could add in a million more wonderful clips of Jason, but I'll leave you to explore YouTube on your own!
So there you have it... my parasocial relationship with Jason Segel. If you don't find his personality hilarious and adorable after this post with the video clips, I do not understand you!
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