Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Underdogs of Comedy

It seems that every time women make a breakthrough in anything, we are immediately shot right back down. Extraordinary female athletes are criticized if they don't necessarily look the most feminine, television shows with female leads are heavily looked down upon (or at least they were), and now, female comedians apparently have to be pretty or sexy to actually spark humor in people.

Hitchens's article of why women aren't funny really got me thinking about a woman's role in humor. I think he is right in saying that men and women generally find different things to be funny and that is exactly why women are not as dominant in comedy. Women are basically required to have other assets in order to be). funny like sex appeal or amazingly witty jokes. It's no wonder Bridesmaids became so popular. Not only was it just plain good writing, but it was women saying witty/funny things WHILE being sexy. Not to mention, it also had some stupid humor men would find more funny, according to Hitchens (the dress fitting scene).

I'm not much of a funny person but I appreciate a good joke when I hear one. I may be a bit biased but I will forever root for the female underdogs in comedy.

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