Monday, March 25, 2013

So Funny Equals Attractive?

Discussing the idea that women are not funny was a very hurtful topic for me to partake in. I have been involved in performing arts all throughout my life and improvisation is my favorite form. I was always told how funny I was by most people in my life so I have always considered myself a very funny girl. With that said, I have always thought women were very funny. My grandmother, my aunts, my mother, and my sisters are all very funny women to me. So this heart wrenching news that women may or may not be funny was astounding to me. Christopher Hitchens says in his article that "women don't need to be funny" because they are already "attractive to men." When did the idea that women are only funny for men come about? What if we just are funny to be funny? Are men just funny because they want to attract women? I just think the whole idea of only being funny to be attractive is ridiculous, whether you're a man or a woman. I like to make people laugh. I like to see people smile. I feel like most funny people want to do the same. It is demeaning to make comments that women are only trying to be funny to attract men and that is does not work anyway. Whether I or any other woman on earth is funny is indeed a matter of opinion. But the same goes for men. Newsflash: men are not just funny because they are men.

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