Monday, February 18, 2013

Junior High

A while back in class, when we were discussing Facebook and it’s tendency to “feed on fiction” and consist of not “real” friendships, one thing that was hit on that interested me was how Facebook is like choosing to go back to Junior High. I have never thought of it like that, but now that I do, it is so true! Everytime I get on Facebook I see posts by friends that are trying to sound like they aren't bragging, yet it's obvius that they are, and the way so many people will add almost anyone, just to get more "friends". People try to make their image look so cool and profiles are so focused on peoples appearance, rather being used as the communication tool that it is. Facebook really is like Junior High in online digital form. To try and avoid so much of the fake side of Facebook, and all the junk that can be found all over the place, I have limited my friends to just people that I actually know. If I wouldn't call them a friend in real life, than I don't add or accept them. I still have about 300 friends, but I actually know all of them, they are all people I have had some sort of real friendship or relationship with. because of this, I don't put up a fake front, because these people know me, and if i was being fake, I would be called out for it. They know my life, I don't make up a life different from what I am actually living. I think that woulod help a lot of people. Limit who you accept, it's not about trying to have the most friends, or having to accept everyone who requests to be your friend.

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